Senin, 18 Februari 2013

pergeseran makna kata

Pergeseran Makna Kata
   v  Perluasan (Generalisasi)
 Meluas artinya cakupan mkana kata dewasa ini lebih luas daripada masa lalu.

- Barat (makna asal) = Arah mata angin
Barat (makna selanjutnya) = Modern
Komputer merupakan salah satu produksi bangsa barat.
v  Penyempitan (Spesialisasi)
Menyempit artinya cakupan makna dewasa ini lebih sempit daripada masa sebelumnya.
- Kawin (makna asal) = Proses menikah
- Kawin (makna selanjutnya) = Proses persetubuhan (biologis)
Perkawinan sel sperma dan sel telur menghasilkan individu baru.
v  Peninggian (Ameliorasi)
Ameliorasi merupakan pergeseran makna yang kini memiliki nilai rasa lebih baik atau lebih terhormat.
- Bulan (makna awal) = Satelit bumi
- Bulan (makna selanjutnya) = Perlambang kecantikan/keindahan
Hannisa, gadis cantik bagai bulan.
v  Penurunan (Peyorasi)
Peyorasi merupakn kebalikan dari ameliorasi, yaitu pergeseran makna yang berkesan kurang sopan atau kurang hormat. 
- Buruh (makna awal) = Karyawan perusahaan
- Buruh (makna selanjutnya) = Pekerja kasar
Buruh – buruh itu bekerja keras siang dan malam.
v  Sinestesia
Sinestesia adalah pergeseran makna kata karena adanya penginderaan yang dipertukarkan.
- Sejuk (makna awal) = Suhu, keadaan sekitar (indera peraba) - Sejuk (makna selanjutnya) = Menemtramkan hati (indera pendengaran)
Ucapannya terdengar sejuk di telinga.
v  Asosiasi
  Asosiasi adalah pergeseran makna yang menimbulkan asosiasi karena adanya persamaan      sifat.
- Kursi (makna awal) = Tempat duduk
- Kursi (makna selanjutnya = Jabatan
Para calon legislatif bertarung memperebutkan kursi di DPR.

cara membuat game dari notepad

 1.kopas semua kode dibawa  ini....
2. setelah itu kopas ke notebok kamu

 @echo off

color b3

echo Hai! Selamat Datang Di Game! Selamat bermain!
echo Game Ini Di Buat oleh:suardi
echo Link blog :
echo 1) Mulai!
echo 2) cara main
echo 3) Keluar
set /p number=

if %number% == 1 goto Mulai!
if %number% == 2 goto cara main
if %number% == 3 goto keluar

echo iga aseng mu:
set /p name=
echo Halo %name%!
echo Apakah Kamu akan mulai quiz? (ya/tidak)
set /p start=
if %start% == ya goto level1
if %start% == tidak goto menu
goto Mulai!

:cara main
echo pencet pilihan lalu ketik enter
echo pergi ke menu? (ya/tidak)
set /p menugoto=
if %menugoto% == ya goto menu
if %menugoto% == tidak goto exit
goto cara main

echo apakah anda yaking ingin keluar game?(y/t)
set /p keluargoto=
if %keluargoto% == y goto exit
if %keluargoto% == t goto menu
goto keluar

echo ok sekarang mulai.
echo berapa hasil 1 + 1?
echo a) 1
echo b) 2
echo c) 500

set /p answer1=
if %answer1% == a goto wrong1
if %answer1% == b goto correct1
if %answer1% == c goto wrong1
goto level1

echo betul mau lanjut level 2?(ya/tidak)
set /p NL1=

if %NL1% == ya goto level2
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct1

Echo salah mau ulang? (ya/tidak)
set /p WA1=
if %WA1% == ya goto level1
if %WA1% == tidak goto menu
goto wrong1


echo Siapa yang ada di kamar mhu ?
echo a) sendiri
echo b) teman
echo c) ibu
echo d) ayah
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto correct2
if %aa% == b goto wrong2
if %aa% == c goto wrong2
if %aa% == d goto wrong2
goto level2

echo Kamu betul mau Lanjut level 3?(ya/tidak)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == ya goto level3
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct2

echo SALAH!Mau ulang? (ya/tidak)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == ya goto level1
if %retry% == tidak goto exit
goto wrong2

echo berapa 20x5?
echo a) 109
echo b) 89
echo c) 100

set /p answer3=
if %answer3% == a goto wrong3
if %answer3% == b goto wrong3
if %answer3% == c goto correct3
goto level3

echo betul mau lanjut level 4?(ya/tidak)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == ya goto level4
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct3

echo salah mau ulang?(ya/tidak)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == ya goto level3
if %retry% == tidak goto exit
goto wrong3

echo apa nu bikin ?
echo a)duduk
echo b)moppang
echo c)tidur
echo d)smua salah
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto correct4
if %aa% == b goto wrong4
if %aa% == c goto wrong4
if %aa% == d goto wrong4
goto level4

echo betul mau lanjut level 5?(ya/tidak)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == ya goto level5
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct4

echo salah mau ulang?(ya/tidak)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == ya goto level4
if %retry% == tidak goto exit
goto wrong4

echo berapa hasil -16:(-3)?
echo a)5,3
echo b)2,4
echo c)0,25

set /p answer5=
if %answer5% == a goto correct5
if %answer5% == b goto wrong5
if %answer5% == c goto wrong5
goto level5

echo betul mau lanjut level 6?(ya/tidak)
set/p NL1=

if %NL1% == ya goto level6
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct1

echo Salah mau ulang?(ya/tidak)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == ya goto level5
if %retry% == tidak goto exit
goto wrong5

echo Siapa Penemu kuman?
echo a)Orang Gila
echo b)allah swt
echo c)Alexander Fleming
echo d)Muhammad Faqih`
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto wrong6
if %aa% == b goto correct6
if %aa% == c goto wrong6
if %aa% == d goto wrong
goto level6

echo betul mau lanjut level7?(ya/tidak)
set/p NL1=

if %NL1% == ya goto level7
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct7

echo Salah mau ulang?(ya/tidak)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == ya goto level7
if %retry% == tidak goto exit
goto wrong7

echo berapa hasil -154:2:(-3)?
echo a)5,02
echo b)17,54
echo c)25,667

set/p answer7=
if %answer7% == a goto wrong7
if %answer7% == b goto wrong7
if %answer7% == c goto correct7
goto level7

echo betul mau lanjut level8? (ya/tidak)
set/p NL1=

if %NL1% == ya goto level8
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct7

echo Salah mau ulang?(ya/tidak)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == ya goto level7
if %retry% == tidak goto exit
goto wrong7

echo Siapa Presiden world record?
echo a)Barrak Obama
echo b)SBY
echo c)dedy courbouser
echo d)sukatno
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto wrong8
if %aa% == b goto wrong8
if %aa% == a goto correct8
if %aa% == d goto wrong8

echo betul mau lanjut level9?(ya/tidak)
set/p NL1=

if %NL1% == ya goto level9
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct8

echo Salah mau ulang?(ya/tidak)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == ya goto level8
if %retry% == tidak goto exit
goto wrong8

echo berapa hasil 152x(-2)=
echo a)-306
echo b)245
echo c)-304

set /p answer9=
if %answer9% == a goto wrong9
if %answer9% == b goto wrong9
if %answer9% == c goto correct9
goto level9

echo betul mau lanjut level 10?(ya/tidak)
set/p NL1=

if %NL1% == ya goto level10
if %NL1% == tidak goto menu
goto correct1

echo Salah mau ulang?(ya/tidak)
set/p retry=
if %retry% == ya goto level9
if %retry% == tidak goto exit
goto wrong9

echo mengapa alexander grahambel menciptakan telepon?
echo a)tanya mi kau
echo b)karena mau i
echo c)untuk berkomunikasi dengan seksama
echo d)tdk tau
set /p aa=
if %aa% == a goto wrong10
if %aa% == b goto wrong10
if %aa% == c goto correct10
if %aa% == d goto wrong10
goto level10

goto correct10

set/p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level1
if %retry% == n goto exit
goto wrong10

3. klik file ,save as ,  dan tulis judulnya dan harus menggunakan .bat...?
    contoh: nama filenya permainan.bat
4. taaaaaaaaaaaa........raaaaaaaaaaaaa.. game nya sudah jadi...

   smoga bermanfaat
 terimah kasih sudah mengunjingi blog saya ...

cara mempercepat koneksi internet moden smartfren

Default :
Number : #777
username : smart
pass : smart

Untuk Setingan alternative mempercepat koneksi internet Smartfren EVDO / CDMA.
Berlaku untuk modem type Smartfren Connex CE682 UI

Number : *98#
username : wap
pass : wap

Sedikit tambahan setting lagi sob, dengan menggunakan Google Public DNS.
Berikut DNS yang bisa digunakan pada modem smartfren :

(1). Google Public DNS

a). Untuk Preferred DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )
b). Untuk Alternate DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan ).

(2). Level 3

a). Untuk Preferred DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )
b). Untuk Alternate DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )

(3). OpenDNS

a). Untuk Preferred DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )
b). Untuk Alternate DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

lirik lagu never say you can

Oh (4x)

When I was just a little boy
Barely strong enough to stand
I could always count on him

He thought me everything I know
And ’till this day it shows
He was more than just a friend (Ah ah ah)

There were so many times I would doubt myself
But his words were always there to help

How would it be?
Where I am?
If my father didn’t tell me
To never say I can’t

He’d carry me
And never let me fall
Oh and the only thing he asked
Right before he passed
Was to never say you can’t

Never say you can’t
Oh oh oh Oh

So when last rain begins to fall
And you’re out there on your own
And you can’t see a thing
No no no

Just find a voice that understands
For me it was my old man
Taught me to say the words I can

There were so many times I would doubt myself
But his words were always there to help

How would it be?
Where I am?
If my father didn’t tell me
To never say I can’t

He’d carry me
And never let me fall
Oh and the only thing he asked
Right before he passed
Was to never say you can’t

Everything he taught me would stay with me forever
No I won’t forget a thing
Oh because of dad I now know myself better
And I hope I can do for him what he did for me

How would it be?
Where I am?
If my father didn’t tell me
To never say I can’t

He’d carry me
And never let me fall
Oh and the only thing he asked
Right before he passed
Was to never say you can’t

Never say you can’t
Never say you can’t

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

lirik lagu grenade-bruno mars

Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live
Oh, take, take, take it all but you never give
Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open, why were they open?

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same
No, no, no, no

Black, black, black and blue, beat me 'til I'm numb
Tell the devil I said, hey,
when you get back to where you're from
Mad women, bad women, that's just what you are, yeah
You'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did
( From: )

To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for ya, baby
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire
Ooh, you'd watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me, you're a liar
'Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby

But darling, I'd still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same

No, you won't do the same
You wouldn't do the same
Ooh, you never do the same
No, no, no, no

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